A Year In Review + My First Canva Templates!


Around this time of year, I often starting to plan for the year ahead and mentally almost check out of the present year I am in. While I love the idea of checklists and making goals for the New Year, I also think spending a bit of time reflecting on the year that has been can be really beneficial as a bit of a refresh and reset, and to learn from any mistakes or remember to be proud of any wins etc.

So I thought instead of the usual checklist I’d normally do (things to do before the end of the year, things to remember to do next year etc), I decided to write a bit of a prompt list to review the year and just pause for thought before leaping into the future. I’ve written my answers below, and if you wanted to do the same and even go a step further with your 2019 review, you can check out the NEW Canva + Photoshop templates for sharing your highlights on social media!

My top three accomplishments this year:

  1. Completing a full marathon
    This year I ran a full marathon in Queenstown and I am so proud of that effort! Although my timing wasn’t my best effort, it’s given me the motivation needed to get out and do another haha. I love having big goals like this outside of work to be able to get me away from the computer and stay on top of health and fitness.

  2. Cracking a figure goal in passive income
    Okay I don’t usually talk money on here a heck of a lot (I don’t have the time to navigate how to do it ‘right’ haha BUT I did want to share a win for this year which is cracking a figure goal I had in my head for my passive income streams and it’s just so exciting! It’s so true that consistency is key and just getting helpful content out there.

  3. Getting the car signwritten
    Okay this one is a bit silly but I’ve just always wanted to have this done and managed to achieve it pretty early on in the year. I just love seeing my branding on a car hehe!

Favourite quote of 2019:

Think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day.
— Gary Vaynerchuck

Toughest lesson learnt:

That I really need to stop and take a breath before sending an email/replying to a comment/sending a note. This year has been challenging in that just as I think my processes and systems are working perfectly, I have a project come up and I get rattled more easily than I care to admit and this sometimes comes out in communication. Looking forward, I need to take a breath, not taking as much personally and just look for a solution and learn from the experience, rather than wallowing in the issue and resenting the situation.

My top supporters/inspirations of 2019:

  1. Amber Ladd - This gal has just been so lovely and supportive and also just a massive inspiration to me and my business. Though I’ve never met her in person, I feel like we would get along like a house on fire and have so many similarities!

  2. The Mr - It’s terribly cliche, but he’s been so supportive this year of all my work and endeavours and is the one person I just want to share every high and low with. He pushes me, challenges me and makes me smile even when I’m neck deep in a stressful situation

A year in numbers:

55 / Amazing clients worked with

1 / Full marathon completed

26.1K / Unique visitors to the website

70+ / creative projects worked on

Best investment of 2019:

Absolutely my Moyo Studio stock library subscription! I have more than got my money’s worth from this investment and have never looked back since signing up. Their imagery and mockups are next level and their community and sharing of resources and designers is just so heartwarming.

Most poignant moment/experience :

Losing my Grandad earlier in the year really made me take stock of what I have to be grateful for and not take for granted the loved ones around me, as it happens every time you lose someone. Grandad was the figurehead of our family, hard working and welcoming to everyone. I want to make him proud and just keep on accomplishing all the goals I’ve set out to do and work hard like he did.

My year in 3 words:

  1. Challenging

  2. Rewarding

  3. Lesson-filled

My biggest goal for 2020:

Set clearer expectations for projects, timelines and schedules - it sounds so boring and business-y, but if I want this business to thrive and succeed long term, I need to knuckle down and really look at the communications I’m putting out and make sure everything is crystal clear. It’s about being accountable on my end and not just expecting clients to know how it all works. So stay tuned for even more resources and help guides!

I’d love to hear your 2019 year in review! You can also use these premade graphics for social media content and share your review that way :)

Nicole Macdonald


Nicole Macdonald – January Made x Creative Process Collective

Hi there! I’m the founder and head architect behind Creative Process Collective, as well as owner and designer over at January Made Design.  You can guarantee I will greet you with an over the top smile and talk your ears off about all things creative, small business and probably pets (everyone loves pets). Serial over-sharer on social media, you’ll be able to find me most days sitting at my trestle table working away with a green tea and surrounded by too many house plants and most likely a cat stretched across my keyboard.

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